lab 3 Map building

Part 1  Introduction
 * Why are proper cartographic skills essential in working with UAS data?

  •  Cartographic skill are essential because without being orientated in a map, in a coordinate system, correctly the data then would become useless.

* What are the fundamentals of turning either a drawing or an aerial image into a map?

  • You need a base-map with reference to image, scale, and a northern heading indicator.

* What can spatial patterns of data tell the reader about UAS data? Provide several examples.

  • spatial patterns in data tells us elevation, which allows to find drainage areas or given height and size and mass of a given pile. 

* What are the objectives of the lab

  • The objectives of the lab create a basic orthomosiac image on a map, with the correct symbols, and how to create the scales and watermarks. And to create Arc scene to give 3d model of area. Refer to Figure 1 to view an orthomosiac. figure 2 for acr-scene 

Part 2
What key characteristics should go into folder and file naming conventions   

  • Name, date and what's within 

Why is file management so key in working with UAS data  
  •  Keep everything we have organized a separate to keep from creating inaccurate data 
What key forms of metadata should be associated with every UAS mission  
  • The key forms of data that should be used in ever mission are the tools used to collect data. the sensor type, altitude flown, the GPS unit used, the drone platform, altitude the data was collected at, windage, cloud cover, data set coordinate system and project, and the time and date. 
What basemap did you use? Why  
  • World street view, because it shows the roads and rivers and gives a general idea of where your at, with names or places and streets near you.
o What is the difference between a DSM and DEM? 
  • Dsm elvation and everything above ground in the given area
  • DEM elavation  of area 
Go into the Properties for the DSM and record the following descriptive statistics
  • Cell Size-0.02077, 0.02077 
  •  Units-Meter (1.000000) 
  • Projection-WGS_1984_UTM_Zone_16N 
  • Highest Elevation-323.08865356445 
  • Lowest Elevation -281.04708862305 
Enter those statistics into a table. Why are these important? 
  • It gives you important information that you can us for calculations. It give you hight the normal  
What is the purpose of vertical exaggeration? What settings do you have for your data?  
  •  I used x2, it gives a grater definition which allows you to tell where the elivation changes for easily. 
What color ramp did you use? Why?  Figure 2
  •  red to blue. Looks like thermal image but looking at it, it helps add scale and definition. 
o What are the advantages of using ArcScene to view UAS DSM data vs. the overhead shaded relief in ArcMap. What are the disadvantages?  
  • You can easily manipulate the raster and see it in 3D, the view can be seen form different angles. Its not as accurate and doesn’t show the exact heights. 
Is this export a map? Why or why not?   
  • No there is no scale or data with it, it only give you height but even that has been exaggerated to show height, also doesnt give you a northern heading or a base map to reference.  

Part 3 Conclusion

UAS data is useful to the cartographer and GIS user as it allows you to collect data at an fast rate and process it. which means faster time to create new maps to compare with other ones you've made over time. This data can be gotten form other forms like LiDAR, but they are not always as current as you may need them to be.

There are a decent amount of limitations in the data that the user should be aware of before using a UAS system. The data area will be smaller is size compared to that of manned aviation or satellites. the data units may not be known to the data processor, and finally the pilot may or deviated for reported height giving you false data.

A different form of data that can be combined with the data we currently have is electrical schematics which would allow you to move around a map and gather a knowledge of where and how all the power lines works in a easier way.
